Writing inspired by Shetland Islands

Check out the cover for my newest story “Time to Bury the Past” which may even be available before the year is out at the rate my wonderful Editor is working. I finished the galley edits at some ungodly hour last night so this ms is moving much faster than either of the others did.

I’ve been told the cover for “Worlds Apart” isn’t as eye-catching and ‘in-your-face’ as is could be so I’ve taken that to heart. I hope my future covers won’t entice similar comments. It is quite difficult to control the outcome of a cover when you have little input into them. I have been thrilled with the efforts of the cover artists who’ve worked with the scant details I have given them. What appears to be your quite detailed descriptions of your hero and heroine, plus any other important features which may be included in the cover art, can be interpreted differently than what you hold in your minds eye. My attitude is to accept the expertise of these artists and be grateful for the work they produce on my behalf. I figure they know so much more than I do about presentation and packaging of a romance. I reckon they know what will catch the eye of a potential buyer.

And that’s where the job of the cover artist ends and mine begins. Once a potential customer has been attracted to the cover, it is then up to me to provide such an exciting and intriguing back blurb and excerpt they’ll be hooked into hitting that “add to my cart” button so they can become a reader. Hopefully a reader who is satisfied with the time she’d spent hanging out with my characters and delving into their lives. Who can put the completed book aside with a contended sigh before returning to the reality of her everyday life. Romance reading is escapism at its finest. We do so need that contended sigh and moment of pure happiness before the world again encroaches on our lives.

Happy reading

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