Who am I to wonder how the publishing world actually works?

Who am I to wonder how the publishing world actually works. Unexpectedly, to me at least, the print version of my next book “Devon’s Dream” is now available through The Wild Rose Press while the digital version is nearing release. I expected this would be the reverse. But check out my new story and if you think it sounds interesting, hit the add-to-my-cart button – (see the link above for direct ordering). I have to admit my level of excitement is slightly less than when “Worlds Apart” became available. No, not because the wonder of actually being published has diminished in any way, I doubt that will ever happen, but because I have been so busy with family commitments I haven’t allowed myself the time to celebrate yet. But I’m off to rejoice in this celebration now. My heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s made this possible.

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