How Do You Write?

How do you write? Are you a planner or a pantser? Do you plan to such an extent others might call you anal? Or do you just sit at a keyboard and see what flows from your fingers? What’s buzzing around inside my head right now is the wonder if I’m making my writing life so much more difficult than it needs to be. I’m definitely a pantser. But worse than that, I’m now finding I rarely write in chronological … Continue reading

Talk about Writing

I love to talk about writing. Recently I discovered a fantastic outlet to talk about writing. Not to obviously established or budding writers but to the “ordinary” public. On two recent breaks I have been given the opportunity to present talks to anyone interested in attending. I’ve been thoroughly encouraged by how many people are keen to attempt to write something. I talked about novel writing in one presentation and writing romantic fiction in another. Novel writing drew a larger … Continue reading