Have I managed to ferret myself into this promotion business just a little? I hope so, although does one ever get to know for sure. I’m actually enjoying posting excerpts and reviews etc onto loops and have got 4 blog invites for closer to my “Wilderness Liaison” release date. The best of this last week is finding heaps of ‘sweet’ writers and joining them on loops and FB etc. Articles on the Net suggest a revival of sweet romance but I had difficulty finding it initially. I’m happy to say now that there are definitely a lot of people out there writing sweet romances. Phew! I’m not alone.
Justin and Nicole are taking a beating. I was very enthused at their first meeting, but next day, when I read through the details, I decided this was one of those beginnings where your editor suggested you throw this chapter away and start the book with chapter 2. So it was back to the drawing board to try and figure out how I could make their beginning more dynamic. Justin is definitely making an impact in my mind, moving from 2 to 3 dimensional but Nicole is being a little difficult, or more in line with her character, contrarily obnoxious. I’m not sure if I’m taking a huge risk, making my heroine less than a loving/caring character at the beginning, but this is going to be Justin’s story and he doesn’t deserve too many flaws. Nicole is going to be the one with the huge arc as the story progresses, not the hero as is usually the case in romances. What do you think? Would you like to see a female character needing a bit of a reality check? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Email me at snowlille@gmail.com