Thankfully Inspiration Returns
Its been a while since I’ve felt inspired enough to get back to finishing my current work in progress. But in the last couple of days inspiration has returned and given me a couple of ideas which I hope will nicely round out my story.
I needed at least another ten thousand words and had a hole in the middle, yep that sagging middle had struck again. When I put the story aside a few months ago, I knew something was missing but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was or how to go about fixing it. And as I returned to working on it, I accepted knowing and being able to fix the problem are two very different things. So more time slipped by.
Thankfully sometime during last night when I couldn’t sleep, inspiration slipped an idea into my fuzzy brain and this morning I’m keen as mustard to begin developing another scene. I have some confidence now that I’ll actually complete this story before the end of the year. The end of July would be an even more acceptable time frame, given how long I’ve been writing this story.
It’s funny how one scene might be so pivotal that a story doesn’t resonate without it. I hope that’s the case with this story. The annoying thing is that the scene will give the story so much more depth, I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it sooner. I hadn’t ever considered a scene between my heroine (Shannon) and the hero’s aunt. After all she (the aunt) was only in the story as an explanation for how Luke managed to do so much when he was guardian to two little orphan kids.
Now, I have to decide if the aunt might assume the BFF role, although Debra (from The CEO Gets Her Man) and Shannon do seem to be establishing a friendship. Perhaps she’ll fit the role better.
Hmm decisions decisions.