Website Clean Up
A website clean up is something to avoid if you’re a techno phobic like me. Although I accept every website needs attention now and then, and mine was long overdue. I think I’ve done everything I set out to do after acknowledging what a mess some of the pages were in. Its obvious I haven’t been spending enough time monitoring the site. I guess I log on and post on my blog and then depart again. Something which needs to change in the future.
What a revised learning curb I had to go through, though. Thank heavens for YouTube and the videos posted there. Its been some time since I learned how to navigate through WordPress, and while how to do things made perfect sense during my “training” phase, the old brain had become a little clogged up with other vital material. My navigation skills had to be relearned. And as I say, thank goodness there are places on line where one can quickly refresh a fuzzy memory.
After a three hour stretch and hoping I have done everything properly, my techno phobic self is feeling quite chuffed. I actually managed to fix at least one major mistake without having to call in a technician. I might be far from able to call myself computer savvy, but this afternoon has been a very satisfying experience.