Owning A Pet

Owning a pet can be problematic. Especially now the world is opening up again and travel is fast becoming possible again. We’ve resisted pets for many years. Initially, I was certain I could never replace my German Shepherd. But between his passing and our retirement, I couldn’t really say why we’ve never had another pet. But since retirement, I am so pleased we don’t own a pet. Owning a pet brings huge responsibility. We like to travel and travelling and pet ownership are not conducive.

Sometimes I do get to enjoy having an animal around. For me, this might happen if my daughter and her family are away for a few days. I inevitably get the job of ‘babysitting’ their dog. His arrival always means a change in our normal routine but he’s extra company.

A huntaway, Finn has usually been a pleasure to have around. Until our front fence recently collapsed and we no longer have a fully secure property. While we’ve jerry-rigged an area he can wander around, one which is near on 1000 square metres, he doesn’t want to accept the front area of our house is no longer his. His two favourite places to explore and lie in the sun are temporarily out of bounds. While there are numerous other places available to him, he’s adamant he should be let out the other side of the house.

I can’t risk allowing this. He is too valuable. Not only as a much-beloved family pet, but our Finn is a star. He has appeared in movies including the very popular “Hunt for the Wilderpeople”. But he also often graces our television screens in numerous commercials over the years. Last night I paused the screen and snapped a picture of him. He’s an amazing animal and I love him to bits. It’s fun having a part-time dog. Although as I type this he’s nosing my hand away from the keyboard demanding attention. This is another joy of “grandparenthood”. We get to enjoy Finn’s company for short periods of time before he goes home again. By not actually owning a pet, we can still get to enjoy the company of one occasionally. Surely the best of both worlds.


Owning A Pet — 2 Comments

  1. Great idea. I don’t own a pet – much as I would love one – for the same reasons. I want to be able to take care of it properly and I love travel too much. I need my family to get a pet that I can babysit on occasion.

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