My New Clean Romance Is Coming Soon
After being too quiet lately on this site, I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new clean romance “Worlds Collide” is getting closer. After completion of the galleys, I’ve heard from my editor today that she has forwarded the prepared manuscript ready for publication.
While I know it will probably be a month or so before I get a release date, and that date will still be some months in the future, knowing the story has finished all the editing and formatting is pretty exciting for me.
I was initially uncertain of the cover design and did get into some dialogue with my publisher – its great to have a publisher who will listen to your concerns like The Wild Rose Press does – but we agreed this cover does have some impact.
And I was pleased to have it’s design similar to Worlds Apart. I hope this will encourage readers to realise the two stories are linked. In fact they are linked so closely that you will find the characters dialogue is identical on a couple of pages. Never fear though, it wasn’t a lazy decision to have them so, but my attempt to tie the stories together. If you haven’t read Worlds Apart yet, that doesn’t matter, each story is completely stand alone and the little piece that is identical (a couple of short conversations only) is told from another point of view so while the dialogue is identical the accompanying narrative is quite different in each story.
Getting the cover art for a new story is always exciting for an author. I wanted to share it with my readers right away. “Worlds Collide” my new clean romance might be a while away, but this is what its going to look like.
What do you think of the cover? If the cover visual is what attracts you to a clean romance, will this cover say “read me” for you? Is it something that will make you take a look at the blurb? Will you be tempted to buy it on the strength of this cover? Or take a peak inside, you won’t be disappointed