My EBook Is Free

My EBook Is Free

It is the second day my ebook is free on Amazon (13-16 Feb) and I’m very excited at its progress. I awoke this morning to find “The CEO Gets Her Man” is sitting at 57 of all free books, 4 in women’s fiction and 6 in comtemporary fiction. The question is, how do I make it climb even higher? A major problem occured yesterday when our computer normally used for Internet connection crashed. With the loss of all email and necessary ‘bits’ I had set aside to use during this promotional period, I’m not sure what I can do to stimulate more sales but I’ll be working at getting the word spread even wider if I can.

You can help me by grabbing a copy of this kindle ebook now. After you read it would you be willing to take a moment to post a comment on the Amazon page? Reviews are so important to a writer’s success. Thanks for your help, I’d be nowhere without loyal romance readers like you.

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