Marketing My New Release

Marketing My New Release

Its all go at my house. I’ve slipped into the mode of marketing my new release “Worlds Collide” and am feeling the excitement grow. What should I do first? I’ve sorted out numerous posts for Twitter and Facebook. I’ve blog visits coming up, I’m gearing up marketing posts for some of the yahoo groups I belong to.

This is an important time to have support from earlier readers and I’m grateful to those who are helping me spread the word about my new book. Without these loyal readers, I doubt I’d achieve nearly as much as I have. Thanks to every one of you.

My attempts to organise a giveaway on Goodreads this week failed miserably. I couldnt access the correct fill-in form, or at least the fill in form available didn’t allow me to put any information about my story, so I guess I’m not supposed to have a giveaway of Worlds Collide. That’s a real disappointment as I like how many readers register for a giveaway and suggest they want to read your story.

Early this morning my husband woke me up. “You wanted to check your blog visit,” he said urged me to get up. Then what followed will bring a smile to those of you who don’t often wonder about the worlds time zones. We spent possibly fifteen minutes trying to figure out what time is currently was in the Eastern US. While I live in New Zealand but have most of my readers on the other side of the world, I have to constantly think about what time it is elsewhere. My time in the Navy taught me to understand the twenty four hour clock, and we always worked in “Zulu” time. That was easy because the UK were the same day as us, only 12 hours behind. Getting my head around time zones in the US is no easy task. Trying to figure out whether it is today or yesterday before you can begin to worry about the actual time.

I love this marketing time, its very exciting, but I do worry there is more I should be doing. I decided against trying an on-line book launch party this time. I might try with my next new release. Book signings and guest appearances don’t appear practical when the bulk of my readers don’t live in the same country, let alone the same city. Oh well, I’ll just have to see how I get on over the next few weeks.

In fact I’m going to leave this now and go check the Princess of the Light Blog as it should be live now – assuming I have worked out the time zones correctly. If you’re reading this soon, I hope you’ll pop over and say hi to me. I had some pretty way out and unusual questions to answer for her blog.


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