Informative Webinar
Last week I’d never even heard of the word let alone know how informative webinars could be. Apart from a little technical glitch, which the presenters covered very quickly, my first experience at a webinar will definitely not be my last. Although my hand soon ached from all the notes I was scribbling (and had to go over immediately afterwards to fill in all the blank spaces before I forgot what my lousy shorthand actually meant) I found the experience a much easier way to gain insight and understanding than a normal on-line workshop.
This particular webinar covered aspects of Twitter and Facebook with Joan Steward and Christine Buffaloe. While it included some basic information which I already knew, there was also a wealth of hints on how to use these tools to better advantage which I’m already beginning to implement. I ended up with ten pages of notes – taken very roughly I admit – which is a pretty good return for the two hours I sat at my computer listening to the advice of these informative ladies.
But perhaps the most exciting thing for me was their offer of a promotional “package” which includes a previous webinar as well as numerous promotional tools from Joan Stewart and publicist Penny Sansevieri at what I considered a very reasonable price. I have yet to receive the package so cannot yet comment on its usefulness but am looking forward to digesting their advice and implementing everything I can to help me further my on-line presence. I will definitely report on how I found their suggestions and the usefulness (or otherwise) of this promotional package.