Contest Winner Announced
Thank you to everyone who participated in my little contest “Why did someone want a photo of my chest”
Here’s the answer!
I thought some of my US readers would be sure to guess the correct answer as the tee-shirt was purchased for me by a US friend. I suspected they might have been seen them around at writers’ meetings or conferences. I will definitely be wearing mine sometime at next years RWNZ conference.
No-one actually came up with the exact reason but Alison Ormandy came the closest with her entry:
“You were wearing a “I’m a closet romance reader” tee shirt. And you proudly smiled for the camera.”
So to Alison goes a PDF copy of her choice of one of my books.
And further thanks to Nancy Wilson, the California writer who was in Bradford on Avon that day, and whose request sparked this little contest. I have since been in email contact with this lady and found out more about her work. You can find out about her and the book she has published on Like many of you, I had never heard of Mary Petre Bruce but her life sounds intriguing to say the least.
Thanks again for joining in, I hope you had a little smile as you came up with possible answers.
Woohoo, hooray me!!!! Cheers Anne……I have recently finished Wilderness Liason and thoroughly enjoyed it so was looking forward to reading another.