5 Star Review

5 Star Review

Getting my first review of “The CEO Gets Her Man” is an exciting occasion made even more so when it is a 5 star review. Quite by chance today I flicked onto the Amazon site which has exclusive rights to the book until April, and my day turned from an okay-I’m-getting-lots-done day into an amazing, sparkling day where nothing will faze me, nothing will take away the delight I’m feeling. I imagine most writers probably hang out for that first one after a new book is released. I know I do. Will it be positive or only slightly so?  Will the readers recognise how gifted and bright the writer really is? Or will they slam the storyline, the characterisation, the whole jolly thing? Phew! At least I’m over that hurdle again. Someone liked my story enough to take the time to go back into Amazon’s website and comment. I’m so grateful for that. I’m smiling so much I might just crack my cheeks. Read what lovely things she wrote.

5.0 out of 5 stars What a story…what a set up January 10, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase
For anybody who’s ever watched the TV Series Undercover Boss you’ll love this book. CEO Debra Laurie goes under cover as a waitress to discover why the Invergargill hotel in their chain is not performing and what she discovers is herself. Thrown into contact with Jase McKewen, the hotel manager, an ex-rugby player she’s hero worshipped from afar does not sit well with Debra….as the warmth of the Southlanders begin to break down the barriers she’s spent a life-time erecting, Debra discovers all is not well in their Southern-most hotel. Is Jase the person who is stealing from her hotel…big time. If so, how can she keep her distance from the charismatic man?As she becomes closer to Jase she’s aware that when her deception is revealed it will tick him off big-time.

This is an engrossing story with great characters and character development. Ms Ashby is to be commended for an enjoyable and gripping read…I couldn’t put it down…there was tension on every page…WELL DONE.

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